Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Rain. ,Rain , and .....

Next Leg. Ferry Boat!

Still waiting on wheel to get to Valdez, AK.  Late of course .  Taking the 100 dollar ferry to Whitter...decieced not to enter Canada yet....I still have time before I need to head south..
Rain 10 days straight...10 more days of rain.  yepppy!!!!

This Site is Now Secure!

I guess for a long time time I never secured this page.....Now please feel free to visit securely .

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Valdez , Alaska. v.2


The port of Valdez was named in 1790 by the Spanish explorer Salvador Hidalgo after the Spanish naval officer Antonio Valdés y Fernández Bazán.[4] A scam to lure prospectors off the Klondike Gold Rush trail led to a town being developed there in 1898. Some steamship companies promoted the Valdez Glacier Trail as a better route for miners to reach the Klondike gold fields and discover new ones in the Copper River country of interior Alaska than that from Skagway. The prospectors who believed the promotion found that they had been deceived. The glacier trail was twice as long and steep as reported, and many men died attempting the crossing, in part by contracting scurvy during the long cold winter without adequate supplies. The town did not flourish until after the construction of the Richardson Highway in 1899, which connected Valdez and Fairbanks. With a new road and its ice-free port, Valdez became permanently established as the first overland supply route into the interior of Alaska. The highway was open in summer-only until 1950, when it was operated as a year-round route.[5]
In 1907, a shootout between two rival railroad companies ended Valdez's hope of becoming the railroad link from tidewater to the Kennicott Copper Mine. The mine, located in the heart of the Wrangell-St. Elias Mountains was one of the richest copper ore deposits on the continent. The exact location of the right-of-way dispute, in which one man was killed and several injured, is located at the southern entrance of Keystone Canyon on the Valdez side. A half-completed tunnel in the canyon marks the end of railroad days in Valdez. A rail line to Kennicott was later established from the coastal city of Cordova.[5]

Bear Kit - All Set

Grade A Honey
(to be used on other campers tent fly with a careful smearing action)
 Bear Spray
(to be held upright while spraying towards bear this time)
Air Horn
(to notify ranger at least where an arm can be located)
(to dig multi-purpose hole mainly stuff running down pants leg)

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Pinned Down by Black and Grizzly Bears

Well Here in Valdez, Alaska.

Rain four days straight!
 Forcast eight more days rain straight.
  I'm at a campground due to the fact that Grizzly Bear and black bear circle the camp. to camp out of town will certainly give you unwanted attention . and raining 24/7 seems like Lot of time in the bear country..No Bueno!!

So At the cheapest campground available I need a sponsor for 4 more nights here while I'm waiting for my new wheel to arrive.

Friday, August 3, 2018

3.4 Times around the world on a bicycle....Thats 62.000 Miles

The Guinness World Record (GWR) for fastest circumnavigation of the globe by bicycle is awarded for completing a continuous journey around the globe by bicycle and other means, consisting of a minimum 29,000 km in total distance cycled. That's 18020.36 miles.

So At 62.000 miles, it puts me over three times around the world officially. 

Guess that's enough training time,       TIME FOR